
The change in Solomon Islands diplomatic relations in September 2019 attracted global attention. Journalists and scholars focusing on Solomon Islands for the first time knew little or nothing about the internal politics and regional issues of the Solomon Islands up to that point. So they wrote about a framework for understanding this shocking situation called 'geopolitics', without even understanding what concept it is.

It is a pity that not only journalists but also academics and researchers are using this term to distance themselves from the real issues on the ground. Or even dangerous. It is not all about the US-China stand-off over the Indo-Pacific.

The "Security Diamonds" of the Abe administration did not include the island countries with their vast oceans. I suggested that Pacific island Countries be included in this initiative, and Abe did. The region is not a paradise. It is common knowledge to experts in the region that it is a paradise for all kinds of transnational crime. It is essential to take the effort to study the local situation, which is complex and tedious to understand. Without it, the Indo-Pacific initiative would be doomed.

Importantly, it is the perspective of the islanders that is important: I would like to share an article by Dr Transform Aqorau of Solomon Islands, who in 2022 expressed concern about the arrival of Chinese weapons.

Dr Aqorau is also pro-China, actively seeking to accept Chinese assistance. His concerns are important because he is not biased.





重要なのは島の人々の視点である。2022年、中国の武器が入って来たことに懸念を示すソロモン諸島のTransform Aqorau博士の記事を紹介したい。Aqorau博士は中国の支援を積極的受け入れようとする親中派でもある。その彼の懸念はバイアスがかかっていない分重要である。

Rethinking Solomon Islands security - Devpolicy Blog from the Development Policy Centre


武器のために武器庫を襲撃する過激派や過激派に武器を与えた警察によって武器庫が危険にさらされた22年前の民族的緊張の間に起こったことを忘れてはいけません - その後、ソロモン諸島民が仲間の市民を脅迫し、殺すために使用した武器。











