10月の16日間、インド太平洋研究会が招いた、ソロモン諸島マライタ州のスイダニ氏とタリフィル氏の議員会館での講演会を、私がパラオ国家安全保障局アドバイザーとしてアレンジした、と虚偽情報を書いた上に私を個人攻撃する手紙をパラオのPeter Adelbai大使は書いて「誰か」に送っている。その手紙の「誰か」の部分が黒塗りされ、差出人不明の「怪文書」がジャーナリストや政治家に送られているのだ。
ソロモン諸島現地ジャーナリストが、米国政府、台湾政府、スイダニ氏グループが共謀し、ソガヴァレ首相暗殺の計画があった、などという作り話を新聞に出したことをAdelbai大使は知っているだろうか?それをソロモン諸島を訪ねた米国安全保障局のKurt Campbellが記者会見の席でがわざわざ否定した事実をAdelbai大使は知っているのだろうか?
Hon Suidani and Mr Talifilu of Malaita, Solomon Islands, who were invited by the Indo-Pacific Studies Group for 16 days in October. In a letter written by Palauan Ambassador Peter Adelbai, he wrote and sent to "someone" a personal attack on me, falsely stating that I had arranged their lecture at the Parliament Members' Office Building in my capacity as an advisor to the Palau National Security Office. The "someone" part of the letter was blacked out and a "suspicious letter" from an unknown sender was sent to journalists and politicians.
The Palau Embassy's ties to the Japanese Yakuza were investigated by in my capacity as an advisor to the Palau National Security Office at request from Ms Anson. I found Ambassador Adelbai's photo is on the web, and I have submitted it as a report to the police.
The people I know who have received these documents are unanimous in stating that anyone who would issue a "dubious letter" is not sane. Is Ambassador Adelbai unaware of the possibility of Yakuza?
Ambassador Adelbai's letter states that he is concerned that my arranging for Mr. Suidani to speak at the Parliament Members' Office Building as an advisor to the Palau National Security Office is a serious matter for the security of Japan, the U.S., Solomon Islands, and Palau. This is new to me, but since the letter goes so far, there must be some evidence. I would like to see the evidence, but the Palauan government and the Palauan embassy have yet to respond to my request.
First of all, the information on the October 6 lecture was "sponsored by the Indo-Pacific Studies Group," and there was no mention of Palau.
Just to be sure, I asked a participant in the lecture,
"Did I talk about Palau?
”No, you did not. In the first place, the participants were not interested in Palau."
Yes, their interest was in the Sogavare administration, which denounced Japan at the UN General Assembly. In my introduction, I remember that I only talked about why I invited Suidhani to Japan. It was because I had an opportunity to connect Pacific island countries to the Abe administration's Indo-Pacific initiative, a request from MPs Keiji Furuya and Seiichi Eto.
I also asked the members of the Indo-Pacific Studies Group who arranged the venue.
"When you arranged this venue, did you talk about Palau?"
"Not at all. The people who attended the lecture were all decent. Who would circulate such a monstrous document?"
More than 10 members of parliament attended, including officials from the Australian Embassy.
Why is it necessary to mention Palau there? Who on earth told Ambassador Adelbai this lie? That is exactly what the Palauan government is trying to create an international issue regarding regional security.
Does Ambassador Adelbai know what the US is doing? The US initially did not issue visas to Hon Suidani and Mr Tarifil, but the lawmakers wrote to Secretary Blinken and visas were issued.
Is Ambassador Adelbai aware that a local journalist in the Solomon Islands published a false story in the newspaper that the U.S. government, the Taiwanese government, and Suidani's group conspired to assassinate Prime Minister Sogavare? Is Ambassador Adelbai aware that Kurt Campbell, who visited the Solomon Islands, denied it at a press conference?
I have shared details of their visit to Japan with Australian and US officials. This is par for the course for international security experts. Therefore, we cannot deny the possibility that the person who intentionally gave false information to Ambassador Adelbai is a Chinese agent or Yakuza.