5.Oct.2023 Suidani/Talifilu Japan Fisheries Agency
日本政府との面談はバランスが悪いはずなのだが、流石に日本政府もソロモン諸島の、マライタの状況にアンテナを立てていたようで、水産庁のナンバー3、福田 工(FUKUDA Takumi)審議官と会えることとなった。
マライタのBina Harbour projectは水産庁も知っており、その事業の推進に日本の支援が受けられるかどうかという質問であった。
Mr Suidani, who came to Japan this time, is a private citizen who was ousted from his position as governor of Malaita. He is a former governor of the provincial government, even though Malaita has 25% of the national population.
A meeting with the Japanese Government would have been unbalanced, but it seems that the Japanese Government was aware of the situation in Solomon Islands and Malaita, and I was able to arrange a meeting with the Fisheries Agency's number three, Deputy Director-General FUKUDA Takumi.
Mr Miyahara, former Deputy Director-General of the Fisheries Agency, and Mr Koya, then Director-General of the Fisheries Agency, arranged the meeting.
The reason why I am so familiar with the Fisheries Agency is because in the past, I worked on the dispatch of the Fisheries Agency's patrol boat to Palau with the request from them.
At that time (2014), Prime Minister Abe's visit to Australia and Papua New Guinea was also officially announced, and I was asked for my opinion by the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Governor-General of Papua New Guinea and made various proposals, which all came to fruition.
Japan is the only country in the world with a huge government organisation like the Japanese Fisheries Agency, a legacy of GHQ. And the Diet member who stood between GHQ and the Japanese fishing industry at that time was a distant relative of mine. I was surprised when I found the parliamentary minutes by chance in a web search.
off topic...
The Fisheries Agency was also aware of the Bina Harbour project in Malaita, and asked whether Japanese assistance could be provided to promote the project.
This was the same as the explanation given at the OFCF, that a request from the national government, not from the State of Malaita, was required.
Solomon Islands has a regional agency, FFA, which has support and experts from the Japanese Government. Japan can send experts to Malaita if the Solomon Islands Government requests it.
This, too, depends on Mr Suidani's return as provincial governor and the environment in which he can negotiate with the Solomon Islands Government.