マライタンと日本で過ごした16日間 - 3
そこまでのHigh Politicsの招聘であった。
なぜ私がパラオ国家安全保障局アドバザイーのポジションでこの招聘を行う必要があるのか? 妄想も甚だしい。パラオは関係ない。日本訪問はSuidani 氏らの強い希望だったのである。なぜパラオが関係していると思いたいのであろうか?Adelbai大使から根拠なく誹謗中傷された私は敢えて書くが、それほどパラオは太平洋の政治に影響力はない。
このソロモン諸島の詳細をカナダのジャーナリスト、Cleo Paskal女史が追っていた。私は彼女がChatham Houseに所属していた時、Indo-Pacificの報告書作りのために依頼を受けて日本調査をアレンジした。そんなこともあり、メラネシア研究会に誘った。
さて、米国議員が米国国務長官まで動かしたSuidani 氏らの日本招聘は、多くの懸念があった。
2つ目。ソロモン諸島のニュースを追っていないと理解できない背景がある。ソガヴァレ政権はありとあらゆる方法でSuidani 氏らに濡れ衣を着せて逮捕しようとしていたのである。日本国内に多くの中国人スパイがいることは誰でも知っている。彼らを守れるかどうかという懸念があった。私がとった方法はスケジュールの詳細を公開しない、という方法であった。
3つ目。日本滞在中に関係者との会談設定が可能あるか、であった。ソロモン諸島と関係がある企業、NGO, 学者はSuidani氏との接触があったとソガヴァレ政権にわかったら事業や調査ができなくなる可能性もある。北野建設や、民族学者は明確に接触を避けた。その中でJICA, OFCF, 水産庁、防衛省元高官、京都の四方源太郎議員など多くの協力が得られた。
4つ目。予算である。実は直前まで来るか来ないかわからない状況で、クラウドファンディングはできなかった。普通に寄付を呼びかけ、結果30万円近く集まった。私が70万円弱自分で負担した。 Suidani氏らは私がお金持ちでないだけでなく、収入もないことに驚いていた。現在少しずつ銀行ローンを返済している状況である。
ところが、偽情報を信じたパラオのPeter Adelbai大使の怪文書は、山から降りてきたところを車ではねられたような気分である。パラオ政府、Adelbai大使からは偽情報を提供した人物の情報をまだいただけていない。
My American political friends do not believe that H.E. Suidani and Talifilu of Malaita, Solomon Islands, were invited by only one private study group. They believe the Japanese Government is behind it.
It would be nice if the Japanese Government would go that far, but there are no foreign affairs bureaucrats with the guts to do so. In the first place, there is no way they can be invited in an official capacity, as they would be challenging the Sogavare regime. Furthermore, H.E. Suidani and his colleagues are now private citizens, having left their positions as governor.
Neither Palau's Foreign Minister Aitaro nor Ambassador Adelbai would know. Initially, the US State Department refused to issue visas to H.E. Suidani and his colleague. It was only after US Congresswoman Amata and Hawaii Congressman Case wrote a letter of protest to Secretary Blinken then the visas were issued and the visit to the US was realised.
It was High Politics' invitation to that extent.
Invitation had nothing to do with Palau. The visit to Japan was the strong wish of H.E. Suidani and his colleagues. I dare say that Palau is not that influential in Pacific politics, having been baselessly slandered by Ambassador Adelbai.
The Solomon Islands' change of diplomatic relations from Taiwan to China in 2019 was news, but the Japanese only know about the Battle of Guadalcanal and do not want to know about it. Nobody is interested in the subsequent history of the Solomon Islands or its current political economy. That is why I set up the Melanesian Studies Group. I am an expert on Melanesia because I covered Vanuatu in my PhD thesis.
Details of Solomon Islands politics were followed by a Canadian journalist, Ms Cleo Paskal. I arranged her research in Japan when she was with Chatham House, at her request for a report for Indo-Pacific. Because of this, I invited her to join the Melanesian Studies Group.
Ms Paskal approached me about the possibility of H.E. Suidani and his colleagues visiting Japan, and I considered it. However, I received a message from Ms Paskal saying that she did not want me to say that she had proposed the idea due to legal issues and that she could not help us with the Japan visit. That made us completely reconsider and we thought about not inviting them. I checked with H.E. Suidani and other Malaita friends to be sure, and the response was surprising.
It is only Japan that has consistently supported the Solomon Islands. In particular, that Solomon Islands' independence would not have been possible without Japanese economic support. That the post-independence infrastructure of the Solomon Islands is almost entirely supported by Japan. That Japanese infrastructure is in place from the airport down to Malaita.
In comparison, the US only built the Parliament building. Australia's support was called 'boomerang support' and caused a lot of problems...
I didn't know that Japan was so highly regarded. Of course, I think there is some diplomatic language involved, but I don't think it is 100% false: I have done some ODA statistics and it is true that Japan has continuously provided about 50 billion yen in ODA to the Solomon Islands since independence.
Now, the invitation of H.E. Suidani and his colleagues to Japan, raised a number of concerns.
First of all, there was the visa issue. Originally, visas were issued by the Japanese Embassy in the Solomon Islands. It was impossible for a third country to do so. Ambassador Miwa, however, was able to get the visas issued to H.E. Suidani and others who were in Australia at the time. Eventually, H.E. Suidani and others returned to Solomon Islands to prepare for the election, so the visas were issued without any problems.
Second. There is some background that you have to follow the news in Solomon Islands to understand. The Sogavare regime was trying to frame and arrest H.E. Suidani and others in every possible way. Everyone knows that there are many Chinese spies in Japan. I was concerned about whether we could protect them. The approach I took was not to disclose the details of the schedule.
Third. The third was whether it would be possible to set up meetings with the relevant parties during their stay in Japan. Companies, NGOs and academics with links to the Solomon Islands could lose their business and research if the Sogavare administration found out that they had been in contact with H.E. Suidani. Kitano Construction and ethnologists explicitly avoided contact. In the meantime, many cooperated, including JICA, OFCF, the Fisheries Agency, a former high-ranking official of the Ministry of Defence, and Kyoto MP Gentaro Shikata.
Fourth. The budget. Actually, we couldn't do crowdfunding because we didn't know if they would come or not until just before the event. I called for donations in the usual way and as a result raised nearly 300,000 yen. I paid almost 700,000 yen myself. H.E. Suidani and others were surprised that I was not only not rich, but also had no income. I am currently paying back my bank loan little by little.
H.E. Suidani and his colleagues visited Japan after all this hard work. They were able to return home safely and without accident or injury. During the visit, the situation in which Mitsuru Touyama sheltered and supported the leaders of the independence movements of Asian countries in Japan was brought back to life before my eyes.
However, the dubious letter from Palauan Ambassador Peter Adelbai, who believed false information, made me feel as if I had been hit by a car as I was coming down from a mountain. The Palauan Government and Ambassador Adelbai have not yet been able to provide us with information on who provided the false information.