
本来ならば、ソロモン諸島、マライタ州のSuidani氏と Talifilu氏の16日間の日本滞在を総括し、協力いただいた皆様にお礼のメッセージを送っている予定であった。

10月6日に議員会館で開催した Suidani閣下講演会に参加したジャーナリストO氏からメールが来た。


パラオのPeter Adelbai大使が「誰か」から偽情報をつかまされ、それ鵜呑みにして私を誹謗中傷する手紙を「誰か」に出したのだ。

その偽情報とは、私がパラオ国家安全保障局アドバイザーの立場で議員会館でのSuidani閣下講演会をアレンジした、という内容だ。パラオ政府は知るところではなく、日、米、パラオ、ソロモン諸島の安全保障上問題である、と Adelbai大使は書いている。私がパラオ国家安全保障局アドバイザーを、 Jennifer Anson氏から懇願されて受けたのは事実だが、今回のソロモン諸島の友人二人の来日にその立場で関与したことはない。



20年来の知り合いであるGustav Aitaro外務大臣に確認したところ知っているという。早速、今回招聘したSuidani 閣下、Talifilu氏、査証発給などご協力いただいたソロモン諸島の三輪大使に報告した。




Originally, I would have summarized the 16-day stay in Japan of H.E. Suidani and Mr. Talifilu of Malaita, Solomon Islands, and sent a message of thanks to all those who helped us.

I received an e-mail from a journalist, Ms. O., who attended H.E. Suidani's lecture held on October 6 at the Parliament Members' Office Building.

She asked, "Dr. Hayakawa, do you know about the Palauan ambassador's letter?"

Palau's Ambassador Peter Adelbai was given false information by "someone," and he believed it and sent a letter to "someone" slandering me.

The disinformation was that I, in my capacity as an advisor to the Palau National Security Office, had arranged a lecture by H.E. Suidani at the Parliament Members' Office Building. Ambassador Adelbai wrote that this is not within the knowledge of the Palau government and is a security issue for Japan, the U.S., Palau, and the Solomon Islands. While it is true that I was begged by Jennifer Anson to accept the position of advisor to the Palau National Security Office, I was not involved in that capacity in the visit of our two Solomon Islands friends to Japan.

The invitation was extended by the Indo-Pacific Studies Group.

The letter was addressed to at least four or five journalists and politicians, with the address "blacked out" and the sender unknown.

All of the recipients are treating the letter as suspicious and strange, including the Palauan ambassador's response.

I confirmed this with Foreign Minister Gustav Aitaro, whom I have known for 20 years, and he said he was aware of it. I immediately contacted H.E. Suidani and Mr Talifilu, who visted Japan, and Ambassador Miwa to Solomon Islands, who helped us with visa issuance and other matters.
I informed Foreign Minister Aitaro and Ambassador Adelibai that H.E. Suidani's visit to Japan and the lecture at Parliament Members' Office Building had nothing to do with Palau.

I also asked them for their cooperation in reporting the suspicious letter to the police, etc., asking them to tell me who had given the disinformation and where the ambassador's letter had been sent to.

Two weeks passed, but there was no response from the Palauan government. However, we have received information from a certain source as to who is involved in this matter.