
サイクロン、ジュディとケヴィンが立て続けに通り過ぎたバヌアツNikenike Vurobaravu大統領が6 か月間国家非常事態宣言を発令。

対象は次の6つの島。MeraLava 、Penama、 Ambrym、 Paama、 Shefa、


President Nikenike Vurobaravu of Vanuatu has declared a six-month state of national emergency after cyclones Judy and Kevin passed through the country in quick succession.

It covers the following six islands: MeraLava, Penama, Ambrym, Paama, Shefa, and

When Cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu in 2015, China and Russia flew several large jumbos to bring aid supplies. Since then, Vanuatu has come to rely heavily on Chinese aid. The reconstruction assistance was not enough. Even now, Vanuatu has to sell its citizenship to the Chinese in order to finance its government. Now that a Japanese embassy has been established, I hope that effective assistance will be provided in consultation with France, Australia, and NZ.
