16 days with Malaitan in Japan -2 "Speech at Parliament Members' Office Building "








We asked Hon. Suidani of Malaita Province, Solomon Islands, to give a lecture in Japan on the occasion of inviting him to Japan. The Indo-Pacific Studies Group, of which I lead, invited Mr. Suidani, a private citizen, to Japan. However, I also wanted to make an opportunity to talk to the parliamentarians about the Solomon Islands, which has changed its diplomatic relations from Taiwan to China, and about Prime Minister Sogavare's speech to the UN General Assembly in September, in which he condemned Japan's treatment of Fukushima treated water.

A parliamentary secretary who was interested in the Indo-Pacific Studies Group was instrumental in this effort. (I would like to reiterate to President Whipps, Foreign Minister Aitaro, and Ambassador Adelbai that Palau has nothing to do with this. Please inform us as soon as possible who provided the disinformation to your country.)

Even though Hon. Suidani came to Japan as a private citizen, he is a person who carries the flag of anti-current-Solomon-regime. The response of the Japanese government and parliamentarians is a sensitive matter. I would like to note that His Excellency Mr. Miwa, Ambassador to Solomon Islands, has been very cooperative. I notified MPs Keiji Furuya of the Islands Caucus via social networking sites. This is a politically sensitive subject. There is a possibility that he would ignore it. However, a few days before the lecture, his secretary contacted me and asked me to give the details to Mr. Daishiro Yamagiwa, a member of the Council of Island Caucus Secretariat.

On the day of the event, more than 10 parliamentarians were in attendance.

Once again, we would like to thank Mr. Furuya, Mr. Yamagiwa and all the participating Diet members.

The following is a summary of the lecture. The theme of the lecture was proposed by me. It is released with the consent of Hon. Suidani. The text in Japanese is a machine translation with some corrections.


Honorable members, Friends, guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honored indeed to have given this occasion to speak to you briefly on a number of topics that we

have been asked to talk on.

The topics includes:

  1. The story behind Prime Minister Sogavare's UN speech slamming Japan and praising China.
  2. What was the Battle of Guadalcanal for the Solomon Islands people?
  3. Ethnic conflict and Malaita (What is Malaita?)
  4. Implications of the security agreement with China. Perspectives from the Solomon Islands and Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) and
  5. What do the Solomon Islands expect from Japan?

These are significant topics and I will try my best to brief you on each of the topics as best I could.






  1. ソガヴァレ首相の日本を非難し、中国を賞賛する国連演説の裏話。
  2. ソロモン諸島の人々にとってのガダルカナルの戦いとは?
  3. 民族紛争とマライタ(マライタとは?)
  4. 中国との安全保障協定の意味するもの ソロモン諸島とメラネシア先鋒グループ(MSG)からの視点と
  5. ソロモン諸島は日本に何を期待しているのか?



  1. Firstly, the Sogavare UN Speech:

The speech slumming Japan and praising China continue to reflect Sogavare’s closer relations to China as compare to other donors including Japan. It continues to show the influence of China on Sogavare’s government. Sogavare is pleasing and praising China because he like China and likely to have benefited privately from the Chinese relationship (through proxies etc.) than it has with Japan. Therefore, he is advancing Chinese interests and expects more support from China.  Sogavare is China's puppet, there is no doubt about that.  He is desperate for more personal cash to support his election campaign so he is behaving as if he is a Wolf Warrior in the Pacific

It is difficult to find evidence of how Sogavare benefited privately from the Chinese. However, one example that Sogavare had benefited from China was when MPS from his government including himself benefited from Funding by the Chinese after Sogavare defeated the motion of no confidence motion against him after the 2021 April riots in Honaira. Sogavare is also said to have owned a number of properties and one wanders where he gets the money to buy these properties.


But let me assured you that what Sogavare said at the UN does not reflective of the general feeling of the people of Solomon Islands towards the government and the people of Japan. As to how other Pacific Island leaders view of Sogavare, it’s difficult to say because in the Pacific its’s culturally sensitive for leaders to make public commentaries on each other. Many politicians supported Sogavare because if you know the political landscape of Solomon Islands. Many of the politicians who supported Sogavare are doing it for ministerial portfolio positions, Chairmanships of Cabinet Sub-Committees and access to funding from the national budget through civil contracts like roads bridges etc. On top of that it is common knowledge that from time to time they will get support from some of the Chinese Proxies companies in Honiara.


  1. まず、ソガヴァレ国連演説である:

日本を卑下し、中国を賞賛するスピーチは、日本を含む他の援助国と比べて、ソガヴァレと中国との関係がより緊密であることを反映している。これは、ソガヴァレ政権に対する中国の影響力を示し続けている。ソガヴァレが中国を喜ばせ、賞賛しているのは、彼が中国を好きだからであり、日本との関係よりも中国との関係から(代理人などを通じて)私的に利益を得ている可能性が高いからである。したがって、彼は中国の利益を促進し、中国からのより多くの支援を期待している。 ソガヴァレは中国の操り人形であることは間違いない。 ソガヴァレは、選挙キャンペーンを支援するために、より多くの個人的な資金が必要なため、まるで太平洋の狼戦士であるかのように振る舞っている。





  1. Battle of Guadalcanal

The battle of Guadalcanal was world event that Solomon Islanders were merely caught up in. It is important to remember that World War two took place when Solomon Islands was still under the protectorate of Great Britain. Solomon Islands was still called Solomon Islands British Protectorate. It is not yet an independent state. Therefore, Solomon Islanders were responding to the ward under the British government rules. Solomon Islanders were caught up in a war they were being told by their colonial government that it’s about their freedom. Whether Solomon Islanders really understand this to be the case is something debatable.

It however has had a fundamental effect on the society in terms of its colonial legacy and relations between the local and the protectorate government of Great Britain. The war gives the locals mostly Malaitans the ideas of self-governance in the context of their own traditional norm cultures, values and principles. This gave rise to the  Maasina Ruru (Brotherhood) emancipation movement started in Malaita and spreading to other neighboring islands.  The event and the interactions also provided Solomon Islanders the opportunity to learn and know the attitudes of outsiders and thereby gave Solomon Islanders a perspective of who they would aligned their interests and future with.

Solomon Islands is a very diverse country with around 83 different languages in a population of around 700,000.

One question that some of you might like to ask is whether the war had created hatred to Japanese? I would like to say that this is not the case. In fact, Solomon Islanders have a great admiration to the Japanese people and respect for their support in developing Solomon Islands. In fact there are Solomon Islanders who have asked the question of had Japan looked after us we may be developed differently.


For Malaita province that I am from. We have a history of finding opportunities outside of the island to better our lives. 


  1. ガダルカナルの戦い


しかし、植民地時代の遺産や、地元住民とイギリスの保護領政府との関係という点で、この戦争は社会に根本的な影響を与えた。この戦争は、マライタ人を中心とする現地の人々に、自分たちの伝統的な規範文化、価値観、原則を踏まえた上での自治という考えを与えた。これがマライタで始まったマシーナ・ルル(同胞団)解放運動を生み、他の近隣の島々にも広がっていった。 また、このイベントと交流は、ソロモン諸島の人々が外部の人々の考え方を学び、知る機会を提供し、それによってソロモン諸島の人々が自分たちの利益と将来を誰に合わせるかという視点を与えてくれた。







  1. Ethnic conflict

The ethnic conflict was an eventuality of poor governance and other unsolved legacy issues relating to land, national resources allocations, structural issues and corruption. The geography of the country makes it easy for people to identify themselves from this province or island and this is where references (bad or good) are being made about each island and its people. Malaita is being categorized as industrious and upfront in getting things done and sometimes this does not go down well with certain leaders of provinces like Guadalcanal. In the case of the conflict old historical records on isolated killings and brutalities done by individual Malaitan were being used as one of the key demands in the Guadalcanal Bonafide to the national government.

The crisis started around the end of 1998 and ended around 2000 after a peace agreement was broke by Australia in Townsville.


It was also clear that the ethnic conflict was also a result of national politics and the power struggle by the leaders of that time. Malaita people were evicted from Guadalcanal by Guadalcanal militants with many losing their livelihoods, businesses and people killed. Malaita retaliated with its own militant group that eventually overthrow a government that was led by a Malaitan PM. Obviously Malaitans were used by leaders of other provinces for their own political interests. The same is happening with the current DCGA Sogavare government.


  1. 民族紛争






  1. Security pact with PRC

The security agreement that was signed by Sogavare and PRC was for Sogavare's own interests and for the protection of Chinese interests in Solomon Islands. It’s not security agreement to secure the interests of Solomon Islanders. The internal conflicts that have taken place in Solomon Islands were directly link to bad leadership and corruption by the leaders. It therefore looks like that Sogave through this new security deal is for his own purposes and not for the protection of Solomon Islanders from any external security threat. As a result, people are skeptical about this security deal. It created an atmosphere of anxiety and uncertainty and this will only inhibit development or development aspirations. The security deal is a disincentive for genuine investors and no doubt promotes only investors that are only here for quick money making in the logging, mining and fisheries sectors. In the end the country stands to be worst off under the current arrangements.

Under the secretive security PAC. There is increase in Chinese police advisor presense in Solomon Islands and increase support to the police including water cannon riot vehicles and replica guns inport3ed into the country. In a recent report, the American diplomats were not convinced that the guns that were brought from China into the Solomon Islands were not replica guns and could be real guns. How the Pact was prepared only Sogavare and his government would know because it was done very secretively.


  1. 中国との安全保障協定


秘密主義的な安全保障PACのもとで ソロモン諸島に駐在する中国の警察顧問の数が増え、ソロモン諸島に輸入された水鉄砲や暴動鎮圧車、レプリカ銃を含む警察への支援が増加している。最近の報告書では、アメリカの外交官は、中国からソロモン諸島に持ち込まれた銃がレプリカではなく、本物の銃であることに納得していない。この協定がどのように準備されたかは、ソガヴァレと彼の政府しか知らないだろう。


  1. Expectation for Japan

Solomon Islands expects Japan to invest more in Solomon Islands especially in investments that would lead to decentralization of development in the provinces. In the case of Malaita, we would like to see Japan's involvement with the Bina Harbour Tuna Processing plant project. Integrated and smart developments in Agriculture, Fisheries and Technology. How to turn the local raw materials available in the country to sellable finished commodities? Investment that will lead to increase in trade between Solomon Islands and Japan, investment in infrastructures that are climatically sustainable and environmentally friendly. Investment in clean energy etc.

Creating of cultural and sport exchanges should also be encourage between Solomon Islands and Japan. In this way a more people to people relationship could be created through business investment or through NGO arrangements.


Ladies and gentlemen, I hope my short presentation gives you an understanding of the issues I have highlighted.

Please feel free ask questions on any of these matters.

Thank you again ladies and gentlemen.  


  1. 日本への期待







