At the request of a policymaker acquaintance, I compiled a summary of Japan's ODA to the Solomon Islands.
The main source of information is the ODA White Paper. Australia is the top donor to the country by value, with Japan and New Zealand in second and third place. The aid from China should not be understood only in terms of numbers since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2019. The private sector support linked to the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army must also be significant.
出典: https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/oda/files/100271618.pdf#page=46
政府開発援助(ODA) 国別データ集 2020
円借款 0
2015 27.98 億円
2016 20.64億円
2017 5.51億円
2018 8.25億円
2019 8.70億円
2015 4.22億円
2016 4.20億円
2017 5.99億円
2018 6.85億円
2019 6.46億円
円借款 0 億円
無償資金協力 321.84 億円
技術協力 134.40億円
Japan's Assistance to Solomon Islands (by year)
Grant Aid
2015 27. 98 million USD
2016 20.064 million USD
2017 5.51 million USD
2018 8.25 million USD
2019 8.70 million USD
Technical cooperation
2015 4.22 million USD
2016 4.20 million USD
2017 5.99 million USD
2018 6.85 million USD
2019 6.46 million USD
Japan's aid to Solomon Islands (cumulative total)
Loans 0.0 million USD
Grants-in-Aid 321.84 million USD
Technical cooperation 134.4 million USD
ソロモン 無償資金協力 案件概要
実施年度 令和2年度
供与限度額 31.59億円
実施年度 令和2年度
供与限度額 1.89億円
実施年度 令和2年度
供与限度額 3億円
実施年度 令和元年度
供与限度額 2億円
実施年度 平成30年度
供与限度額 43.64億円
実施年度 平成27年度
供与限度額 1.24億円
実施年度 平成27年度
供与限度額 31.88億円
実施年度 平成26年度
供与限度額 0.89億円
実施年度 平成26年度
供与限度額 26.81億円
実施年度 平成25年度
供与限度額 0.52億円
実施年度 平成22年度
供与限度額 5.04億円
実施年度 平成21年度
供与限度額 9.62億円
実施年度 平成21年度
供与限度額 19億円
実施年度 平成21年度
供与限度額 20.90億円
実施年度 平成20年度
供与限度額 0.72億円
実施年度 平成20年度
供与限度額 8.11億円
実施年度 平成19年度
供与限度額 0.33億円
実施年度 平成18年度
供与限度額 9.13億円
実施年度 平成18年度
供与限度額 7.70億円
実施年度 平成17年度
供与限度額 7.06億円
実施年度 平成16年度
供与限度額 9.73億円
実施年度 平成16年度
供与限度額 7.02億円
247.82 億円
Japan's ODA Project Solomon Grants-in-Aid Project Summary 2004-2021
January 29, 2021
( ) is USD. 1USD=100 yen
Second Kukum Trunk Highway Improvement Project
Implementation year: FY2021
Grant Limit 3.159 billion yen (31.59 million USD)
Anti-corruption Capacity Improvement Plan (UNDP collaboration)
Year of implementation: FY2020
Grant Limit: 189 million yen (1.89 million USD)
Economic and Social Development Plan
Year of implementation: 2020
Provision Limit 300 million yen (3 million USD)
Economic and Social Development Plan
Year of implementation: Fiscal year 2022
Provision Limit 200 million yen (2 million USD)
Honiara International Airport Development Plan
Implementation year: Fiscal year 2008
Grant Limit: 4.364 billion yen (43.64 million USD)
Plan for Strengthening of Various Disaster Hazard Assessment and Early Warning Systems in Pacific Island Countries (UN collaboration/ESCAP implementation)
Fiscal year of implementation: FY 2015
Grant amount: 124 million yen (1.24 million USD)
Kukum Trunk Highway Improvement Plan
Year of implementation: FY 2015
Provision Limit 3.188 billion yen (31.88 million USD)
Kukum Trunk Highway Improvement Project (Detailed Design)
Fiscal year of implementation Fiscal year 2014
Provision Limit 0.89 billion yen (0.89 million USD)
Honiara Port Facility Improvement Plan
Fiscal year of implementation Fiscal year 2014
Provision Limit 2.681 billion yen (26.81 million USD)
Honiara Port Facility Improvement Plan (Detailed Design)
Implementation year Fiscal year 2013
Grant Limit 0.52 billion yen (0.52 million USD)
Disaster Prevention Radio Broadcasting Network Improvement Plan
Fiscal Year 2010
Grant Limit: 504 million yen (5.04 million USD)
Auki Market and Pier Construction Plan
Fiscal Year 2009
Provision Limit 962 million yen (9.62 million USD)
Gizo Hospital Reconstruction Plan
Year of Execution FY2009
Provision Limit 1.9 billion yen (19 million USD)
Honiara and Auki Water Supply Improvement Plan
Fiscal Year 2009
Provision Limit 2.090 billion yen (20.9 million USD)
Gizo Hospital Reconstruction Plan (Detailed Design)
Fiscal Year 2008
Provision Limit: 0.72 billion yen (0.72 million USD)
Auki Market and Pier Construction Project
Year of Execution 2008
Limit of grant: 811 million yen (8.11 million USD)
Auki Market and Pier Construction Plan (Detailed Design)
Fiscal year of implementation Fiscal year 2007
Grant Limit: 0.33 billion yen (0.33 million USD)
Gadarcanal Island East Bridge Replacement Project
Fiscal Year 2006
Provision Limit: 913 million yen (9.13 million USD)
Honiara Electric Power Supply Improvement Plan (Phase 2)
Year of implementation: FY2006
Provision Limit: 770 million yen (7.7 million USD)
Honiara Electricity Supply Improvement Plan (Phase 1)
Fiscal year of implementation Fiscal year 2005
Provision limit: 706 million yen (7.06 million USD)
Domestic Bonito and Tuna Fishery Infrastructure Restoration Plan
Implementation year 2004
Provision Limit 973 million yen (9.73 million USD)
International Airport Restoration Plan
Implementation year 2004
Limit of grant: 702 million yen (7.02 million USD)
Total Grant 247.82 million USD for 2004-2021